Advancing a Groundwater Policy for Alberta
Advancing a Groundwater Policy for Alberta will build upon our previous organizational successes and experience, and offers an opportunity to commence an open, high-level conversation on groundwater policy and management in Alberta. Results of these discussions will be presented in a comprehensive research report, to promote and inform development of a provincial groundwater policy and assist future governmental planning. To enhance this project’s impact, we will maximize communication of the options and solutions we develop by pursuing a communications plan that directs audience-specific materials to government policy-writers and decision-makers, the public, and major real estate associations in Alberta.
Amount Funded
Year Funded
Funding Priority
Land: Protect property value and support sustainable land use recognizing all real estate assets involve land.
University of Calgary, Water Matters
The Water Matters Society of Alberta was founded in 2007 by citizens concerned about watershed protection in Alberta. Water Matters was founded to provide strong leadership from an independent non-government organization with expertise and resources to address province-wide watershed issues. This leadership is vital as Alberta charts its course on water resources management.
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